Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Project 2: Organize Your Speech

When you speak, does your audience get it?

If your audience doesn’t grasp your message (even though your topic is one you know they are interested in), you need to rethink the way you present it. You need to organize your ideas to promote understanding.

The second Toastmasters speech project addresses organizing your speech. This article of the Toastmasters Speech Series examines the primary goals of this project, provides tips and techniques, and links to numerous sample speeches.

Use an outline which aids understanding.

Transition smoothly from one point to the next.

Craft an effective speech opening.

Craft an effective speech conclusion.

These are fundamental skills that you apply to every speech you’ll ever deliver, whether it is a 2 minute off-the-cuff speech, a 15 minute business proposal, or a 60 minute keynote.

Transitions are the Key

Of the four elements, appropriate transitions are most lacking in the majority of presentations that I have seen. Most speakers have an introduction and conclusion, with supporting material arranged in some form of outline. But, there is often little in the way of transition phrases that link the speech together in a cohesive unit.

In a written piece (like this article), headings, bullets, and punctuation provide cues to the reader that help them understand the macro-organization.

In a verbal speech, use pauses and transition phrases to achieve this effect so that the audience knows when one point ends, and the next begins.

Project 1: The Icebreaker


Ice breaker (or Icebreaker) is a term which describes an activity which reduces tension and anxiety in a group. Thus, it is fitting that the first Toastmaster speech project is titled The Ice Breaker.
This article of the Toastmasters Speech Series examines the primary goals of this project, provides tips and techniques, and links to numerous sample speeches.

Why is This Speech Important?

The Ice Breaker speech has three aims:

1. Introduce yourself.
Your ice breaker speech topic is you – something about your life, your job, your hobbies, your unique interests, your family, or any combination of these. You are an absolute authority on this topic, and everyone in the audience will learn something about you.

2. Begin to conquer the fear of speaking in front of a group.
It is nervewracking when speaking in front of a new group. If you feel this nervousness, remember that a Toastmaster audience is always supportive and understanding. Nobody is grading you, and nobody will mind if you stumble through 99 “Um”s and “Ah”s. If you get up, say something, and sit down, you have succeeded in this project.

3. Provide a “base line” of your current strengths and weaknesses.
Some new members have no public speaking experience, while others have years of presentations behind them. No matter where you fit into this spectrum, your goal is to improve from your starting point. This first speech helps club members gauge your current strengths so that they can make specific recommendations to help you improve.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Leaders’ Garden Toastmasters Club – Charter Ceremony

Finally!! It’s Official! We are a certified Toastmasters Club.

Yes! Leaders’ Garden Toastmasters Club had its Charter Ceremony on the 10th of June 2010, a red letter day for us; a great ceremony and a much awaited event for the club members.

Distinguished guests from Sunshine Toastmasters Club Bangalore, who helped us all the way in successfully establishing a Club at SPI, were present. It was a pleasure to have Toastmaster Kumaran Pethi, Toastmaster Ramgopal P and Toastmaster Satyanarayana Raju with us. The Chief Guest for the day was Senior VP Mr. Madhukar V.

The session was like a regular toastmaster meeting with the prominent sessions being the Prepared Speech session, the Table Topic session and the Evaluation session. This was followed by the Charter Ceremony; wherein the guests handed over the Charter Certificate to the club president TM Sucharitha P.

The evaluation session was an eye opener; the kind of constructive and positive feedback given was a great moral booster for all the speakers. One thing that really made me feel good about the evaluation session was the novel thought of giving a standing ovation to every person who gives his first speech. Truly that is what a first time speaker needs, encouragement and appreciation which act as the strongest stepping stone in becoming a great speaker and leader.

The evaluators were overwhelmed by the performances of our club members; they assured us that we can make it to be one of the best Corporate Clubs. TM Kumaran also said that the he feels the Club is in the best hands.

We also had the installation of Club Officers. Some members of our Club have been appointed as the Club Officers.

• President – Sucharitha P

• Vice President Education – Sujata Rajpal

• Vice President Membership – Naveed Ahmed

• Vice President Public Relations – Tahera Haq

• Secretary – Sunil Kumar Y

• Treasurer – Kavya Shankre Gowda

• Sergeant at Arms – Praveen Thottan

Every member was presented with his/her Charter Certificate. The best speaker, best role taker and the best table topic speakers for the day too got their share of appreciation.

Leaders Garden has started blooming; come, be a part of our club and see yourself grow, to heights you always dreamt of.

Tahera Haq
Vice President Public Relations
Leaders’ Garden Toastmasters Club